Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Susilo Soepandji, DEA
With God’s grace and blessings, He has provided us with opportunity, strength, and health for us to perform our activities and real efforts for the progress of the Yayasan Pendidikan Universitas Presiden—President University Foundation.
Yayasan Pendidikan Universitas Presiden—President University Foundation is one of the education institutions that develops the potential for human resources to become an intelligent, faithful, and pious person; to have the pride as a good and noble Indonesian; healthy, educated, skillful, creative, independent, competent, and responsive person, to serve for the greater good for humanity, and to have global competitiveness.
Not only has the Foundation delivered education activities from the level Kindergarten, Primary School, Lower and Higher Secondary Schools, Academy, and University, the Foundation has also performed social activities as a part of community service.
May God always bless us with His grace and blessings, so the YPUP can deliver real contributions for the development of the Nation.
Cikarang, 24th April 2018
Forewords from Founder