September 12th 2023, President Senior High School held the opening ceremony of batch 20 at President University Convention Center. The lively event was attended by new batch 2023 students, parents, teachers, principals, and directors of President School. This event was not only a celebration as well as the beginning of the educational journey of new students, but also a historical moment that confirmed the existence of this school in building a more brilliant future.
The opening of Batch 20 began with a flag-raising ceremony and a meaningful singing of the national anthem. This is a moment that reminds us of our responsibility as citizens who have an important role in nation building. Next was a speech from the Principal of President High School (Boarding School) Mr. Endang Hariyanto Rosyidi, S.Pd., M.Pd. The next event was the symbolic wearing of the President Senior High School alma mater by Mrs. Justin Endramukti as Treasurer of President University Foundation & Director of President School to new students.
The event was celebrated by the marching band of Presidenta Lokananta High School with its solid & exciting attraction. In addition to the marching band, there was also a performance of President High School students performing West Java regional dance. The show was also enlivened by vocal groups & band performances from President Senior High School students. The event was closed by dancing with the students of President Senior High School.
Speech from Principal Mr. Endang Hariyanto Rosidi Inauguration Students by Mrs. Justin Endramukti Presidenta Lokananta Marching Band Performances